Hands4Others (H4O), high school and college students, are fighting extreme poverty by bringing clean water to villages globally. Jeanne David, Executive Director for H4O, and Spencer Dusebout, founding student, share the goals and achievements made in only 2 years by…
What Is Extreme Poverty and What Microfinance Does to End It.
Microfinance helps end extreme poverty, the greatest violence against mankind. The Bottom Billion Fund provides money for micro loans through microfinance institutions (MFIs) located in countries where a large portion of the population lives on less than $1.25 a day.…
World Bank Reports on Millennium Goal to End Extreme Poverty
Hear how you can participate and how microfinance is reaching the bottom billion to help eradicate extreme poverty. See below for the 7 actions you, personally, can take. In 2000, The United Nations set 8 Millennium Goals, the first of…