Mike Korchinsky of WildlifeWorks shares how the United Nations’ REDD initiative of carbon credits is helping build jobs, education and conserving wildlife while combating global warming.
Wildlife Works‘ mission, Consumer Powered Conservation, is to harness the power of the global consumer to create innovative and sustainable solutions for wildlife conservation. By using market-based methods to protect biodiversity, saving forests and conserving wildlife rather than “fence and shoot” wildlife conservation, WildlifeWorks is creating jobs and stopping poaching as a means of family support in the 80,000-acre Rukinga Wildlife Sanctuary. An entire wildlife corridor between Tsavo East and West National Parks is being saved without the violence of either killing poachers or wildlife.
An ecofactory has been built creating jobs to manufacture fashionable clothing that is sold online at WildlifeWorks, and schools have been built as well creating a path through life with greater potential for the poor residents of the Kenya villages. Most importantly, a Code REDD campaign is utilizing the UN REDD intiative to sell carbon credits to corporations. Watch the video belwo and visit the Code REDD YouTube channel to help spread the word by sharing the video on Pinterest, Facebook and more.
In 2011, Wildlife Works became a leading Reduced Emissions from Deforestation and Forest Degradation in Developing Countries (REDD) project developer. Twenty percent of the world’s annual greenhouse gas emissions come from the deforestation of tropical rainforests. The United Nations introduced the REDD initiative in 2008 to combat climate change. The “Kasigau Corridor REDD Project” became the first REDD project in the World to achieve successful Verified Carbon Standard (VCS) and Climate Community and Biodiversity Standard (CCB) validation and verification.
Now, through the sale of carbon credits to corporations, the Kenyan farmers are encouraged to utilize better methods than slash and burn plus new industry is created planting trees specific for fuel and building. It’s a system that is self-supporting through positive change for all concerned.
Watch the video below and share it on Pinterest, Facebook and help the campaign go viral to save lives, wildlife and our planet: